Whitacre: Lux Aurumque (4:15)
Five Hebrew Love Songs: Temuná (A Picture) (1:45)
Five Hebrew Love Songs: Kalá Kallá (Light Bride) (3:08)
Five Hebrew Love Songs: Lárov (Mostly) (0:58)
Five Hebrew Love Songs: Éyze Shéleg! (What Snow!) (2:06)
Five Hebrew Love Songs: Rakút (Tenderness) (2:22)
Whitacre: The Seal Lullaby (4:13)
Whitacre: A Boy And A Girl (4:34)
Whitacre: Leonardo Dreams Of His Flying Machine (8:40)
Whitacre: Three Songs Of Faith: I Will Wade Out (2:43)
Whitacre: Three Songs Of Faith: Hope Faith Life Love (3:33)
Whitacre: Three Songs Of Faith: I Thank You God For Most This Amazing Day (6:56)
Whitacre: The Stolen Child (8:44)
Whitacre: Water Night (5:27)
Whitacre: Nox Aurumque (6:19)
Lux aurumque = Light and gold (4:15)
Five Hebrew love songs. Temuna = A picture (1:45) ; Kala kalla = Light bride (3:08) ; Larov = mostly (:58) ; Eyze sheleg! = What snow! (2:06) ; Rakut = Tenderness (2:22) (with Hila Plitmann, spoken Hebrew ; the Pavão Quartet ; percussion)
The seal lullaby (with Christopher Glynn, piano) (4:13)
Leonardo dreams of his flying machine (8:40)
Three songs of faith. i will wade out (2:43) ; hope, faith, life, love (3:33) ; i thank YouGod for most this amazing day (6:56)
The stolen child (with the King's Singers) (8:44)
Nox aurumque = Night and gold (6:19)